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True Worship

By 16th April 2020December 10th, 2020Reflections

‘Do not worship any other god…’ (Exodus 34:14)

Sociologists will tell us that as human beings, even when there is no form of religion or spirituality involved, we practise rituals, almost on a daily basis, that effectively constitute a form of worship. In our working lives and our leisure activities, wherever we do things that follow specific patterns and whenever we do things that we are passionate about, at the same times each day or each week, then without perhaps being aware of it, our actions effectively equate to a form of worship. Needless to say, however, from a Christian perspective worship means something different altogether.

Scottish Theologian John Macquarrie once said, It is because God has first of all made us in His own image that we find implanted in us the desire to worship Him and to grow in likeness to Him…’  and certainly when we look through the pages of the Bible we find this idea of worship clearly illustrated. But what does it actually mean for us as we seek to live out our lives of faith every day.

True worship in a Christian sense is the fulfilment of the relationship we have with God through His Son and by His Spirit. Yes, it’s about coming to Church and about joining with others in worship and fellowship when we can and yes it’s about personal devotion time, when we are alone with God, reading His Word and coming before Him in prayer. But more than this, true worship is about living our lives every single day in a way that honours and glorifies God. It’s about putting God first in our lives and seeking as best we can to live as He would have us, walking in the footsteps of His Son, bearing witness to His love and His message in all we say and do.

Lord, You have made us to worship You, so help us to do so, we pray. Help us to live lives worthy of Your name, that might worship You as we should, to the glory and honour of Your name. Amen.